Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kids Playing Peek a Boo

I guess they were playing for a long time but Jen got the camera and they stopped. Darn kids.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sick Again

Ever since I got to VA I've been dealing with vertigo. I don't know for sure but I think it was motion sickness from the ship sitting in water. It's been tolerable for the most part but super annoying. Today I woke up planning on going to the doctor at some point but I was interrupted by the stomach flu or food poisoning. I never really got stomach flu until I had kids and since Hayley was born I think I've had it like six times. (The worst was Christmas Eve 2006, I got most of the relatives sick that year) I pretty much spent the day balled up on the recliner waiting for the next episode of throwing up. Fortunately I only threw up once. Last time I was sick Jen bought me some medicine that suppresses throwing up and man I was shocked at how well it works. So I'm trying to recover from my super aching back and a headache now.

I was planning on helping Jen take the twins to their helmet appointment too. Jen was a trooper and she handled it without me. She took Hayley to a daycare center ahead of time and came back for the twins. They are under the point at which helmets are recommended but the doctor suggest one more month. At least the end is in site I guess.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Jen

Sorry I'm in VA and not there to enjoy it with you. What a crappy hubby I am. I'll try and make it up to you along with the 50+ makes I still owe you.