For the last couple week the twins have been wearing helmets to help with their flat heads caused by Torticollis. I'm pretty disappointed that our doctor in CA didn't warn us of it during their one month check up. Both Jen and I tried to rotate the sides these guys would sleep on but they would eventually wiggle their way back to the other side. We should have had them in physical therapy earlier which could have helped them sleep better and reduced the all day crying we had to deal with. I'm not sure what the change is now, whether it be physical therapy or they have just grown out of it, but they are much happier babies now. Even though they both have ear infections again. They sleep a lot better, although they are attached to their pacifiers so a couple times a night one of us has to get up to put it in when they cry. It's amazing to watch them go from a full out cry session to sleeping in a second after putting their pacifier in. I guess that's the next habit to work on breaking.
hope they turn out more normal then their dad!! ha ha
he I will be in the cities the next couple of days for work. I'll see if I get some time to stop over if your going to be home.
hey not he
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