Wednesday, December 14, 2005

10" of Snow

Now that we got our first big storm out of the way. I'm going to need to fire up the snow blower. Keep in mind this is a very old snow blower with only a pull start. I'm thinking it isn't going to start. It hasn't run in two years. So I'm going to be stuck shoveling. You know there's no shoveling snow in FL. Which reminds me of a professor I had in my undergrad. He used to live down south somewhere. His wife wanted to move to MN to be closer to her family. He made a deal with her. If they move to MN then she'd have to take care of the snow removal. I think this is a good idea. Since Jen wants to live in MN so bad she should be put in charge of removing the snow. She'll definitly want to move back to FL then.

And in other news I got an 85% on my final last night. I was thinking that it wasn't to shabby until I saw the class average of 92.5%. Crap, maybe I should've studied. I guess I'll have to settle for a B in the class. Dam those "All of the Above" trick questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shovel snow.....rebuild house after a hurricane....hmmm let me think which do I think is better???? Beside shovel is a great way to loose weight little bro...