Friday, August 03, 2007


I joined a volleyball league this summer. It's the first time I've played since high school. The team that asked me to play said I had to play with the Bump, Set, Spike mentality and no just hitting the ball over. I've never played like that. I've always just tried to hit the ball back to the other side. It's a four man team so we play with the diamond format, 1 up, 2 middle, 1 back. It's taken a few weeks to get used to it but last week we played really well even though we lost both our matches. I think by the time the playoffs start we'll be rocken.

So know that I've been playing volleyball I'm thinking of getting a net and what so we can play at home. However, if I get one will it just sit in the closest and end up being another useless purchase? Maybe I should just apply that money towards the purchase of a Wii. My B-Day is coming up and a Wii sounds like a pretty good present. Now if I could only find them in stock somewhere.

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