Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Shopping with Hayley

So I took the afternoon off to shop for Jens present. Hayley and I hit the mall. I figured it would take just a few minutes to find some stuff. Well we hit our first store and Hayley noticed Santa so we waited in line for about 40 minutes so she could sit on his lap. They suckered me into buying some pics too. It was kind of funny cuz Santa asked Hayley what she wanted for Christmas and she turned to Santa and asked him if he liked her shoes. That was really funny.

Eventually we made our way around the mall and I loaded up on a bunch of presents for Jen figuring if I buy a ton of stuff she'll like something that I got her and she can return the rest. I was going to get her a automatic car starter but it would've been over $400 dollars after installation so I punted on that idea. I saw some necklaces at Target that I thought were nice so I brought Hayley there and I let her pick out one from her and the boys. When we got home she told Jen "Mom we got you a necklace!!!" I told her that she was supposed to keep that a secret. Well when she was with Jen later she said "shhhh it's a secret, but we got you a necklace". Funny stuff. Oh well I guess.

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