Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Up with the Yo-Yo

So I haven't been paying that much attention to my weight lately. I figure it probably hasn't changed much since I've been working out pretty regularly. Yesterday I stepped on the scale and I was 210lbs. How the heck did I gain 15ish pounds in less then a month. I guess a bowl of ice cream here an there will do the trick. Now it's back to the dieting and hard-core working out to get down again. (What to do with the three left over quarts of ice cream in the freezer) I hate being old, when I was 18 I could eat a huge serving of ice cream everyday, sometimes twice a day, and not gain a pound.

I signed up for the San Jose Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon. Hopefully training for it will help with some weight loss motivation.

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