Friday, May 30, 2008
Mountain Biking
I never got to capture video from my mountain biking excursions but Ben over at studio711 made a great video of him biking in Washington. From the video it looks like the trail he's on is similiar to the trails here in CA. Check it out video, it's pretty cool.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mario Kart

Well I just finished whooping up on Mario Kart. I beat all but levels but he easiest. I beat a few series on the easy level and it was too easy so I moved up after a few races. There's a medium level that is motorcycles only, a hard level that mixes both karts and motorcycles and another hard level that mirrors all the tracks. I met my goal of beating the game before the movers came tomorrow morning. I would've been tempted to keep the big screen here had I not finished the game. Mario Kart is all about luck. I had so many races where I was winning for two laps and on the final lap I'll get hit with blue shell that blows me up and the a bunch more shells and before you know it I'm in last place. That part of the game kind of sucks but it adds a chance factor to the game. One can't just master the game and beat it every time they pick it up. I love the Wii Wheel. It'd be so awesome to have the wheel for Forza or Burnout. No wires or mounts to worry about just hold up the wheel and race away.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Upgraded to First Class
I went to check in yesterday and I wasn't assigned a seat when I purchased my ticket so I was expecting to have to select a seat. Well low and behold I was upgraded to first class. That was a pleasant surprise. At some point I accrued enough miles to make silver elite but I'm not sure when. The breakfast was great even for plane food. (Either that or I don't eat good otherwise making this breakfast seem awesome) Hopefully I'll be upgraded to first class on my flight home.
The only complaint I could muster on this trip was the vehicle I got from Avis. You'd think they hate me or something torchering me with a Hyundai something or other. It's a cross over and it's the most awkward driving thing and it's super uncomfortable to sit in. But I only need to drive it for a week so I'll live with it.
The only complaint I could muster on this trip was the vehicle I got from Avis. You'd think they hate me or something torchering me with a Hyundai something or other. It's a cross over and it's the most awkward driving thing and it's super uncomfortable to sit in. But I only need to drive it for a week so I'll live with it.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hayley Flying
Hand her a Video iPod with Cars loaded and all is good. Actually she had an older lady sitting next to her that played with her the entire flight except for the last 30 minutes or so that she slept in my arms. It was great having that lady play with her as I was able to catch a nap with the twins sleeping.
The Twins Flying
We headed out for the airport and I was thinking we had plenty of time. We actually ended up being lucky the flight was delayed since we probably would've missed our flight otherwise. Security was a major pain with the twins. We had five bags 3 carseats, my laptop and a stroller for twins. It probably took 15 minutes just to get our stuff through.
When we got to the gate the twins started screaming and we could see the eyes looking over at us thinking "We don't have to deal with that on do we?" But we got on the plane and got everything situated and after feeding them they slept the entire flight. If they would sleep on every flight I'd probably buy tickets just so they'd sleep.
When we got to the gate the twins started screaming and we could see the eyes looking over at us thinking "We don't have to deal with that on do we?" But we got on the plane and got everything situated and after feeding them they slept the entire flight. If they would sleep on every flight I'd probably buy tickets just so they'd sleep.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Heading Out
Well this is our last night in CA together as a family. The twins got immunization shots this morning so they were kind of crabby all day so Jen couldn't get much packing done. We ended staying up pretty late packing and we still have more to do tomorrow morning. Hopefully we have enough stuff packed to hold us over until the movers get everything to us. I'm looking forward to being home and taking a long nap when Jens mom gets to the house. It gets even better when I get to come back to CA by myself next week and catch a ton of sleep without interruptions. I might just take a couple days off from work to sleep. It'd be nice if I could bank some sleep while I'm out here. Oh and I can't forget the Mario Kart either. Between sleep and Mario Kart it's going to be a great week next week.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Picasa Slideshow
Picasa is my favorite photo management tool. It has built in editing capabilities and it's one of easiest and best tools I've used, it's free and it's available on both Windows and Linux via Wine. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a photo management tool. Tonight I was going to upload a bunch of photo's to the blog but I thought that it would clutter the site so I thought it'd be cool to embed a slide show of photo's instead. Although it's been a feature forever I just found it when I searched for features on Picasa Web Albums. So here's a slide show of recent pics of the twins. (many of the pics haven't been rotated... I blame Jen) We had guests over tonight an they all agreed that they look like they've doubled in size. So far they've gained about 4-5lbs.
And just an FYI - if you use Flickr you can get the same slide show feature.
And just an FYI - if you use Flickr you can get the same slide show feature.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Weekend Recap - Harley, Toys R Us, and Ikea
This is our last weekend in CA and it pretty much went out with a thud.. but what do you expect with new born twins. The weekend was one of the best weekends we've had this year weather wise. It was close to 100 Wednesday and Thursday so the 80's we got on Friday - Sunday felt pretty good. (Actually the 100 degree days weren't bad since there is zero humidity here) Friday after getting the twins feed and what not Hayley and I hit the pool. She spent close to two hours there. It was pretty fun as she's gotten really good with her arm floater's.
Saturday we took Hayley to her favorite park where they have a water fountain. I was kind of nervous since they are so water conscious when the weather is hot. I figured they'd have it turned off. But they didn't which was great for Hayley. After spending a couple hours at the park we went to Harley to pick up some Harley shirts with some local logos for Mike. It was pretty comical cuz as we were leaving Harley Hayley said "Toy's R Us". I didn't see a sign for it but I new it was around there somewhere. (I miss the GPS already) So I drove around a six block radius and it was right across from Harley. I swear I looked all over for the sign when Hayley said it but I figured she just new it was around there or something since we mentioned it earlier. Toys R Us is a great store for Hayley to run around in. It keeps her occupied for hours. One interesting toy we saw there was a back yard water slide. This thing looked awesome.
After Toy's R Us we went to Ikea to get Sven and Sandra a gift card for watching Hayley so much. While we were they we ate some Swedish meatballs and potatoes. I've never really thought about Ikea as a restaurant but after eating there we're going back there more often. The food there was good and cheap and the portions were huge.

We wrapped up the weekend taking Hayley swimming again and hanging out with Sven, Sandra, their daughter and their twins. Moving back home is going to be a bummer cuz we won't be able to hang out with them. Hayley and their daughter Simera get along really well. They've given us plenty of advice as well since they have twins and a daughter Hayley's age. I get a kick out of their stories, but then it's not so funny cuz now we're living it.
Anyway, it's 4 days and we're back in MN.
Saturday we took Hayley to her favorite park where they have a water fountain. I was kind of nervous since they are so water conscious when the weather is hot. I figured they'd have it turned off. But they didn't which was great for Hayley. After spending a couple hours at the park we went to Harley to pick up some Harley shirts with some local logos for Mike. It was pretty comical cuz as we were leaving Harley Hayley said "Toy's R Us". I didn't see a sign for it but I new it was around there somewhere. (I miss the GPS already) So I drove around a six block radius and it was right across from Harley. I swear I looked all over for the sign when Hayley said it but I figured she just new it was around there or something since we mentioned it earlier. Toys R Us is a great store for Hayley to run around in. It keeps her occupied for hours. One interesting toy we saw there was a back yard water slide. This thing looked awesome.

After Toy's R Us we went to Ikea to get Sven and Sandra a gift card for watching Hayley so much. While we were they we ate some Swedish meatballs and potatoes. I've never really thought about Ikea as a restaurant but after eating there we're going back there more often. The food there was good and cheap and the portions were huge.

We wrapped up the weekend taking Hayley swimming again and hanging out with Sven, Sandra, their daughter and their twins. Moving back home is going to be a bummer cuz we won't be able to hang out with them. Hayley and their daughter Simera get along really well. They've given us plenty of advice as well since they have twins and a daughter Hayley's age. I get a kick out of their stories, but then it's not so funny cuz now we're living it.
Anyway, it's 4 days and we're back in MN.
Conflicting Advice
After we had Hayley, Jen and I got a lot of conflicting advice from Doctors and Nurses on how to best care for her. (Read Post) Whether it be holding them while they sleep or putting them in their crib after feedings, almost every nurse had their own opinion. Basically it boiled down to what works for you. It was almost comical with the twins as one nurse insisted on swaddling them with their arms down while another nurse commented that in the Nic U they swaddle them with their hands by their face cuz it makes them more comfortable. Almost every parent has an opinion on how best take care of a new born. All this is not all bad either as we give anything new we hear a try as long as it doesn't sound harmful.
Braxtyn and Elliott started out of the shoot eating a lot. Especially Braxtyn, who was eating double the suggested amount at each feeding. He was eating so much that Jen and I were concerned about it, but we figured as long as he wanted it that it was ok to keep feeding him. When they had their first checkup at three weeks they were up to 6-7 oz at most feedings. The doctor said this was way to much. She said eating that much was bad for their small stomachs and that we risked frequent spitting up and obesity. She said to try and use a pacifier to satisfy them after they've eating 4oz. (The twins rarely spit up) So we fought for the next three weeks trying to feed them less only to have to deal with them crying and crying. It was getting frustrating to say the least.
At our doctors appointment last Thursday we saw a different doctor since their doctor was on vacation. She asked us how they were eating and we said good. Then I asked what was the max they should be eating and she said there was no max. Just feed them until they're satisfied. We told her what the other doctor said and she just said "she flat out disagreed with that!". She said as long as we weren't force feeding them we were fine. She said they don't worry about getting to much food at this age. We were relieved to hear this as we could feed them until they were happy and maybe they'd stop crying so much. In most cases hearing conflicting advice has confused us but in this case I'm happy we saw another doctor. We'd still be fighting through this had we not. In the future I'm not going to hesitate getting a second opinion if we're having issues with the kids.
Braxtyn and Elliott started out of the shoot eating a lot. Especially Braxtyn, who was eating double the suggested amount at each feeding. He was eating so much that Jen and I were concerned about it, but we figured as long as he wanted it that it was ok to keep feeding him. When they had their first checkup at three weeks they were up to 6-7 oz at most feedings. The doctor said this was way to much. She said eating that much was bad for their small stomachs and that we risked frequent spitting up and obesity. She said to try and use a pacifier to satisfy them after they've eating 4oz. (The twins rarely spit up) So we fought for the next three weeks trying to feed them less only to have to deal with them crying and crying. It was getting frustrating to say the least.
At our doctors appointment last Thursday we saw a different doctor since their doctor was on vacation. She asked us how they were eating and we said good. Then I asked what was the max they should be eating and she said there was no max. Just feed them until they're satisfied. We told her what the other doctor said and she just said "she flat out disagreed with that!". She said as long as we weren't force feeding them we were fine. She said they don't worry about getting to much food at this age. We were relieved to hear this as we could feed them until they were happy and maybe they'd stop crying so much. In most cases hearing conflicting advice has confused us but in this case I'm happy we saw another doctor. We'd still be fighting through this had we not. In the future I'm not going to hesitate getting a second opinion if we're having issues with the kids.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
What Works
Lately we've been trying everything to get the twins to sleep. A while back Jen said that they stopped crying when she vacuumed. So I download an mp3 of Ocean waves and burned it to a CD. The CD sat on the desk ever since then. I kind of thought it wouldn't work so I never bothered with it. Well last night we couldn't get them to stop crying for anything. I put Braxtyn in the playpen to see if he'd cry it out for a few minutes, it wasn't working. Finally I grabbed the CD and put the player in their play pen and cranked up the sounds of the ocean and it took no more then 5 seconds and he stopped crying and went to sleep. Jen at the time was holding Elliott, trying to get him calmed down. She saw this work for Braxtyn so she put Elliot in the play pen and they both were soundly sleeping for about a half hour. They woke up because it was feeding time but after we fed them they went back in the playpen and slept. They woke up once during the night which was great. Last night was also the first night the twins didn't need their car seats to sleep. We're pretty excited about this, hopefully it continues to work.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Mothers Day Recap

We didn't do much on Mothers day. We were both pretty shot from Saturday. We brought Hayley to the park with the water fountain that kids can play with. She can spend hours playing in wet sand. Other then that was just sat around the house and Jen took a nap. The twins did us a favor though and slept from 10:30-5am. That was pretty cool, hopefully that trend continues. They've slept for 4+ hours the last three nights now.
We also watched the Twins on TV since they were on the ESPN. What a great game. Pitchers duels are great, but once in a while it's fun to see a game that's dominated by offense.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
So Long Mio

This is the fifth time I've had one of my vehicles broke into. The first was my Bronco II that I had a stereo installed with speakers. The Speakers weren't mounted and they took them and they tried for the stereo but they couldn't get it out before someone at work noticed and chased them off. The second time was in Q lot when I was at St Cloud State. This person was dumb enough to break into 6 cars and was caught by campus security. (I almost had to forgive them for all those parking tickets) The third time was at an Applebees in Willmar. That sucked cuz they got Jens purse and she had to try and remember where she all wrote checks and what not so she could call them. The forth time was at our apartment here in Sunnyvale where they got Jens purse again, her coat and my golf clubs.
I spend most of the night trying to figure out if there was something I could do to catch these A-Holes. I came up with some ideas but it would involve so much time that I'm not even going to bother. I guess one has to just carry anything of value on them. It's pretty ridicules.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Braxtyn and Elliott are 1 month old
It's crazy to think the twins are one month old today. Time seems to fly by a lot faster when we're sleep deprived. They gave us a great present last night sleeping from 10:30 pm to 4:00 am which was the first time both of them actually slept great on the same night. Normally one or the other sleeps great and the other one winds up with gas or some other aliment that keeps him up most of the night. Anyway, here's a video of the twins getting some tummy time.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
2 Week Countdown
Two weeks from now we'll be on a plane heading back to MN. It's been 1 1/2 years here in CA and it's really grown on me. If it wasn't for the price of housing I'd move here in a second, but we'll make the best of it in MN. Having the kids grow up around family will be worth dealing with the crappy winter weather in MN. Our family is growing by what seems like 2-3 cousins a year so Hayley and the twins will have a lot of kids their age to play with.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Looking for your Stimulus Check?
Here's a link to get the status of your stimulus check.
Elliott and Grandpa
Monday, May 05, 2008
Roll Over
While trying anything and everything to get Braxtyn to stop crying Jen suggested putting him on his tummy. So I did and we watched him cry for a couple minutes and to our astonishment he rolled onto his back. I know it's a fluke but it was pretty impressive for a 3 week old born two weeks early to roll over. After he rolled over Jen and I just kind of looked at him for a couple seconds and finally Jen broke the silence by saying "he just rolled onto his back!!". So ignoring his crying I grabbed the camera and put him back on his tummy to see if he'd do it again. He didn't do it again and I think we made him pretty upset. I think he had revenge on his mind because he didn't sleep more then an hour and half at a time last night.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Hayley Sleeps Sitting Up
Friday, May 02, 2008
Michelle strolls in for a visit

Michelle, one of the original Eaganites that worked on SBIRS with us, flew out to visit. She said she misses CA and she wishes she would've extended her rotation here. Originally she planned on flying out to visit everyone still here and maybe hit Tahoe for one last ski trip. Although I'd love to ski again, the twins are keeping us way too busy. I'm thinking we need an overnight nanny when we get back to MN. 2-4 hours of sleep isn't cutting it.
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