After a trip to the zoo yesterday we returned to our vehicle to find the passenger side window smashed in.

Who ever broke into the car tried to break the lock on the driver side door with a screw driver or something. It was hacked off and showed little resemblance of a door lock. A guy was walking by and he said there were 4-5 vehicles parked on the street that were broke into. Before I touched anything I called the police and they said they couldn't do anything and if I wanted to fill out a report to do so by phone or online. That was great getting blown off by the police. After calling the cops, I inspected the vehicle to see what was all stolen. The only thing taken was the Mio GPS. Before I left I put the Mio in the center console but I left the charging unit plugged in. Thankfully, Sven and Sandra were with us so we were able to pack all our stuff in their van and head on down to the local Avis and get a different vehicle. I'm glad we're driving a rental, not having to deal with fixing the window was a huge relief. It took about 15 minutes to fill out a form at Avis and we were on our way with a different vehicle.
This is the fifth time I've had one of my vehicles broke into. The first was my Bronco II that I had a stereo installed with speakers. The Speakers weren't mounted and they took them and they tried for the stereo but they couldn't get it out before someone at work noticed and chased them off. The second time was in Q lot when I was at St Cloud State. This person was dumb enough to break into 6 cars and was caught by campus security. (I almost had to forgive them for all those parking tickets) The third time was at an Applebees in Willmar. That sucked cuz they got Jens purse and she had to try and remember where she all wrote checks and what not so she could call them. The forth time was at our apartment here in Sunnyvale where they got Jens purse again, her coat and my golf clubs.
I spend most of the night trying to figure out if there was something I could do to catch these A-Holes. I came up with some ideas but it would involve so much time that I'm not even going to bother. I guess one has to just carry anything of value on them. It's pretty ridicules.
well little bro you need to wire the car so that when someone breaks in that they are jolted with 10,000 volts. It might get you put in jail, but at least you wouldn't lose anymore stuff.
Kyle, I wish you would come up with something that would work. You would be a rich man right now. Gin
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