Although the doctors and nurses deliver babies for a living the room seemed like organized chaos. The room was small and there were 2 doctors delivering the babies, one nurse for each baby, one nurse for each doctor, an anesthesiologists, and a pediatrician was called in during the delivery of Elliott since he was being delivered breach. Everything was normal with Braxtyn. I was a pretty anxious because I wasn't sure how developed his lungs were. The two doctors working on the delivery were getting phone calls every couple minutes to attend to another birth so there was some tension with them trying to get done as soon as possible. When Braxtyn was born it took him a while to cry and the crying wasn't that loud. (As compared to the incredible pipes on Hayley when she was born. When Hayley screamed she made me wonder what the heck I was getting into, I'll go insane if I have to listen to that.) So for the for few minutes after Braxtyn was born I was watching him close as the nurse was working on him.
In the mean time I was missing what seemed like panic going on trying to deliver Elliott. One doctor was using the ultra sound trying to determine where he was. As soon they realized he was breach they started the breach extraction before the birth canal shrunk. While one doctor was pulling on Elliott's legs the other was pushing hard on Jens stomach, guiding Elliott out. That was kind surreal in itself. At this point the doctors are working in panic mode and the world has stopped around us. With all the trouble they were having, Jen and I were thinking "Why are we going through this, why didn't we do the C-Section?" The pediatrician came into the room and asked why he was there. One of the nurses said "because they're doing breach extraction" to which he replied with a facial expression of "Why the hell are they doing a breach extraction and risking the babies life?" He saw me looking at him and just kind of calmly walked to the other side of the room and put on his gloves. So now the panic mode in me is through the roof. I turned back to the action and I started praying hard and the constant argument in my head about whether God intervenes with our lives while we're on earth was gone. At this point Jens doctor, who is pushing on her stomach is barking orders to the other doctor on positioning and which way to pull. This went on for what seemed like forever but eventually the nurses started cheering and the doctor showed Jen and I the baby.
The panic in both Jen and I was not gone yet as Elliot hadn't taken a breath and his color was a darker red then Braxtyn's was. He wasn't crying and to me he looked like he was struggling. But the pediatrician took a look at him while the nurse was cleaning him and he started to leave. I asked him if everything was OK. He smiled and said we have two very healthy babies. I was relieved after that. Elliot then started crying so I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures.
Lost in my pictures taking and checking out the twins was the two doctors still working on Jen. I'll leave the gross out but she was losing a lot of blood and it looked like the doctors were struggling to get it under control. But they were a lot more calm then when they were trying to get Braxtyn out so I didn't think much of it. Jen was shivering uncontrollably. The doctors got everything under control and we headed back to the delivery room to wait for a recovery room. Jen got to hold both babies on the way back to the room as well which was awesome.

Everything was good waiting for a recovery room. The nurse gave the babies a bath and their first shot. Which they didn't cry much. I called family to spread the word the world is getting more trouble makers. Jen and I waited up for the new room but it was taking a long time so after an hour or so we tried sleeping only to have the nurse come and and tell us they were ready to move us. On the way to the new room we set off an alarm because the babies got to close to an elevator and the hospital was shut down until our information was verified. That was interesting, they attach electronic monitors to the babies and if they get close to an exit a hospital lock down gets enacted and nobody is allowed in or out.
After getting settled in our new room the babies took turns crying and needless to say I wished I would've slept in the delivery room waiting to move cuz I was soo tired. We finally broke down and gave them formula and that put the twins to sleep for the next 12 hours which let Jen and I catch up on sleep.
Jen got a surprise as her mom flew in from MN. Ali and Hayley picked her up at the airport. After Ali, Ryan and Hayley showed to visit Jens mom walked in a few minutes later. Jen was so surprised she almost cried. It was pretty cool. So that pretty much wrapped up the day. Later I went home to watch Hayley over night and I let Grandma stay with Jen and the twins.

Beautiful baby boys!
And Jen you look great. :)
Kyle you are awsome! You should be a narrator/writer in your next life :)
Tell Jenny congratulations.
We can't wait to see you guys!
Brad, Sarah, Madyson ~ MN (brrr)
Thanks for putting the pics up! Congrats AGAIN! Can't wait for you all to get back!!!
D.Jay,Amanda,Alex, and Kendra
To Hayley:
jhhfhuufcufguugugygugy gcyygyggyyyy gyy
(He typed I want to go to Hayley's)
Great JOB Jenny beautiful boys most of us can only do that one at time but you went for twice the money and they are great babies. good job to you too kyle & hayley lots of love toni
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