Sunday, March 06, 2005

Baltimore Excursion

Everything was going great yesterday until it was time to board my connecting flight. grrrr I've never had to fly when there's a connecting flight, but in this case I had no choice. I even spent an extra $50 to upgrade to first class. (First class rules) So I'm in Detroit and the girl gets on the intercom. "There repairing the plane so it will be just a couple minutes." Then an hour later she said they were ready but give them a minute to fill out some paperwork. Well apparently they did something wrong on the paperwork because someone grounded the plane because of faulty paperwork, go figure. So our flight was canceled and I had to wait for a future flight. The short of it, I got to Baltimore at 7:30 instead of 3:00.

No biggie though. We had a blast out on the town. Well actually our GPS unit went out and we ended up driving around until we found a hick bar out in the sticks. There were 4 people there and Josh tried to pick up the waitress. Funny stuff cuz the waitress wasn't having it. After bar closing, on the way home we stopped by a 7-11 and this black woman was working behind the counter. She was the funniest 7-11 employee I've ever seen. She was so off the wall loud and whooping it up, I've never heard so many F-Bombs in my life. Josh got in the store a little late and he heard this and put his hands up like "What the hey?" She replied in a full out fun yell "White boy get you hands down, some cop will stop by and see I'm black and think I'm robbing you" It was hilarious.

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