Yesterday we went to a Blue Jays game against the Philly's. While heading to the game I get a call letting me know that the directions to the stadium were wrong. Why were they wrong? Well Pardeep didn't check the ticket to see who the home team was. Neither of us new the way to the stadium and we were driving around searching for a stadium that could've been a hour away for all we knew. So now I'm mad at myself for not checking the ticket and I'm also stuck in all the traffic trying to get to Clearwater Beach. After about 15 minutes Pardeep calls back and gives me some directions. We finally found it and by the time we got to our seat the game was in the bottom of the fourth inning. But it was still fun to get a hot dog and ice cream. One positive is that we found a parking spot a block from the stadium while the others stuggled to find parking and they ended up parking about a mile away.
So to all, make sure you check your ticket and know who the home team is before accepting directions.
Here's some pics from the game.
Crazy Joel

The Clearwater OLDP's - Pardeep, Jen, and Joel

The View From Our Seats

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