Thursday, March 10, 2005

Whoops, that was reverse

Driving to lunch today we came across a Mustang that was cruising through traffic. Seeing this I got some of my younger juices flowing I and caught up to him at a traffic light and pulled along side of him. Trying to get his attention I put the car into neutral and hammered on the gas. Instead of revving the engine, the car started squawking the tires... in reverse. I failed to realize that I put the car into reverse instead of neutral. I was really lucky because there were no cars behind me but there was a line of cars in the lane next to me. Talk about being embarrassed, this was a major blow to my ego. I think this may have been a message from some greater power letting me know that I'm thirty and it's time to grow up.


Anonymous said...

I concur

Anonymous said...

Hey kid that sounds like something I would do. But I would of still beat the guy.

Anonymous said...

Hey kid that sounds like something I would do. But I would of still beat the guy.

Anonymous said...

Hey kid that sounds like something I would do. But I would of still beat the guy.

Anonymous said...

Hey kid that sounds like something I would do. But I would of still beat the guy.