Monday, April 18, 2005

Golf Lessons

I broke down and took my first golf lesson on Saturday. The guy made an adjustment to my stance, grip, and ball placement. Then I felt like Tiger Woods for a while. I hit every ball straight as an arrow with my short clubs 8-wedge. The instructor even laughed a bit at me because of the way I was hitting the ball. He was like "That's a beautiful swing". Well I had about 15 balls left to hit and I thought I'd try a long iron to see what would happen. Well I never hit a good ball. The instructor told me to go back to the short irons to get my feel back and I stilled shanked them bad. I messed up a good thing somehow.

So I'm thinking if I try again Sunday I'll get it back. Wrong!! I have no clue what I'm doing wrong and I'm so messed up now. Hopefully in the long run these lessons will help out. But for now I'm screwed.

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